Noctule Count 2024 

Information and requests for the 2024 count: 
2024 Counting period: We’ve extended the counting period this year, widening the range of counts from Aug 1st to Sep 30th. With the period extended, participants will be able to count at the times with highest activity in their area - supposed to start earlier in eastern parts until the common noctules reach western Europe - enabling counters within the whole distribution range of common noctules to more easily take part. If you are unsure of your best local period, it would be wise to contact your regional partners or ask our noctule team. 
Counting events: Ideally, we would like to encourage all participants to count 3 times at one spot during the counting period. Single night counts and random finds are also welcomed. Partners could use the opportunity to organise group count events, perhaps on International Bat Night. 
Participant IDs: This year, we would like to ask for a little more data about the person or persons completing the count, to enable us to link the delivered data to those who completed a count on a unique identifier. With this ID, it will be possible to link data from several events and years to one person / place. To do so, we ask if you could register via email with the following data: 
Your ID used in the app (e.g. Batcounter1234), 
name (e.g. Jon Doe), 
region / country (e.g. Bavaria/Germany) 
and of course, an email-address 
Data: This data will be processed in Germany and only will be used for the project’s organisation. If you’d rather not include your name, please leave it out of the email. 
Data availability: All data collected within the project can be used by the participants for non-commercial uses. So, if you are interested in the raw-data at any point after the counting period, just sent a short email to the address above. 
Use of bat detectors: We strongly suggest using a bat detector while counting, to be sure you have spotted common noctules. Please note in the app whether you used a bat detector to identify the species. 
Epicollect App: Please use the app to send in your data. If you encounter any problems, or if you miss any details to be delivered by the app, just send a note to us via 
Pics or it didn’t happen: We would be really happy to receive pictures of your counting activities to share with others. If you’re happy for us to use them on social media or on our website, please send them to 
Social Media: if you post about the project on social media, it would be nice if you could use the hashtag #noctulecount. Thanks. 
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