BatLife Europe Webinar Series 

Batlife Europe has been engaged in organising a series of webinar talks, to aid the sharing and understanding of bat conservation projects throughout Europe. Recording of recent talks can be found below. 
Details of future talks will be added here too, so please check back regularly for updates. 
BLE is very grateful to all speakers who've generously donated their time and knowledge. If you'd llike to volunteer to give a talk related to bats and their conservation, please get in touch with us

Coming up: 

Kate McAney - A multi-faceted approach to conserving the lesser horseshoe bat in Ireland 

Feb 17, 2025 6:30pm GMT 7:30pm CET 
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. 

Recordings of previous webinars 

Bats and Windfarms 

Prof Christian Voigt 

Bats and Light Pollution 

Johan Eklöf 

Bats and Climate Change 

Danilo Russo  
University of Naples Federico II - Italy 

The Greater Mouse-Eared Bat 

Dr Andreas Zahn 

Soprano Pipistrelle Bat Project 
James Shipman 

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